"Un Beso Del Sol"
Gladys Simmons aka: Bobi Cespedes

Of all of the roles I have played in my rich career as a folklorist, elementary school and college instructor, vocalist, composer, recording artist, and arts educator, working with young children has always been my favorite. I have always found ways to integrate the arts and learning. My teaching experience spans from working with preschoolers and K12 (San Francisco and Oakland Unified School Districts, based on my
Children of Many Colors Curriculum Model, (1979-1998) to teaching college students.
This family care home approach to teaching is based on the Soy Bilingue Dual Language Early Childhood Education Curriculum, a socially oriented, child-centered, music and arts-based integrative curriculum, which I was instrumental in developing, and taught to aspiring teachers and San Francisco State University; Pacific Oaks College in Seattle Washington and Eugene Oregon; and in conjunction with my Imagination and Cultural Expression In The Classroom teaching model at Skyline College, in Seattle and the Center for Linguistic & Cultural Expression also in Seattle Washington from 1998 to 2014.
I am thrilled about opening my doors to children and their families at Sunkist Child Care-Un Beso del Sol.